Since time immemorial humankind tries to determine the nature of reality. From the smallest particles to the unbelievable vastness of the universe scientists try to formulate a “central order” which explains the connection and essence of things. Like in an endless cave analogy, behind every scientific finding appear even more questions. Despite all our achievements it still seems, that we can only grasp a reflexion of the “outer-world”. This uncertainty stands vis-á-vis to the striking success the latest physical experiments denote and leads unintentionally to a simplified view of the world.When the public speaks about the quantum theory in an oversimplified way it is obvious that a mistake has slipped in. The faith in science and the advantage it brings to our everyday life imposes an old and false image of science: the world as a clockwork-like machine, that we not entirely understand yet - but that we will someday.Detailed observations show the very inner of scientific institutions. Instead of giving clear views and showing the results of those experiments we are left alone with fragments and non-objective images. Their function is to question the way we build our second-hand opinion about a field we probably can never understand instead of giving us solutions. They should remind us on the “numinose” that Einstein saw behind the human cognition and that seems to be forgotten through our strong faith in science. The pictures resemble science-fiction filmsets but it is not only the shape and visible form that seems to be equal. In it´s literal sense fiction (fingere) means implementation. And this scientific implementation and description of our world remains still to be revealed.